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Design templates: GMT time: 2024-Apr-19 03:20:50

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Dario's profile

Dario's photo

Real name: Darío


Location: Córdoba, Argentina


Local time: -3 00:20:50


Age: 38


Birth: 1985/11/22


Clan: NNN








Twitter/Facebook account:


Occupation: Cancer bioinformatics




Playtime: 20 GMT+


Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0


Last activity: [never]

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Number of games played in overall season: 0 (0%),
Number of games played in this season: 0 (0%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 0
Number of wins in overall season: 0, number of loses: 0
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 327
Average round time: 00:00
Average turn time: 0 sec
% of caves played: N/A%
% of islands played: N/A%
% of cave rounds won: N/A%
% of island rounds won: N/A%
% of first turn in islands: N/A%
% of first turn in caves: N/A%
% of first turn in islands won: N/A%
% of first turn in caves won: N/A%

Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-

Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):

games grid

Win/lose streak graphicon:

Dario's streak graphicon


2v2 mini league nº1
CWT 2010 3rd
CWT Site
CWT 2007 1st
CWT Site
CWT 2006 1st
CWT Site
CWT 2011 1st
CWT Site
1st Elemental tournament 2009-03-22
24th Intermediate tournament 2009-03-01
17th Intermediate tournament 2008-01-27
19th Intermediate tournament 30/03/08
25th Intermediate Tournament 2009-05-03 gold
42nd Intermediate Tournament 2011-06-06 gold
Season 12 3rd place
Season 13 3rd place
Season 14 1st place
2011 1st place
2021 Overall
Season 11 1st place
Season 1 1st place
Season 10 1st place
Season 8 1st place
2012 overall silver
Season 2 2nd place
Year-round competition'2009
Season 9 2nd place
Overall Playoffs 201
Overall play-off winner 2010
Playoffs Season 10
Overall PO 2020
Play-off season 7 winner
2021 winter season winner
Playoffs Season 9
Season 11 playoff winner
Play-offs Winner
The Ultimate normal
BMC Season 2
Jetpack lvl 9






Potential the number one wormer on the earth. Sometimes he shows such tricks with weapons what Ive never seen before. In addition, he works a lot in worm community and makes intermediate more famous
- Kilobyteadminleagueright

best wormer ever!
- Korasadminright

- Khamski

There is a long story bothers me with this man! Long time ago we were a real opponents. It was not about wins, it was about understanding of the game and skill level. That was a great time of new moves, amazing inventions, new tactical ideas, enjoying cool unexpected moves. Daz is not only great interesting person to comunicate. His main idea is to find an "optimal" way of playing. He was always kinda worms scientist. He did a lot for the comunity and for worms as well. Everything he tried he did on a very high level. We can see the results - his own playing and organization of the league. My respect to you, friend!
- Johnmirright

La verdad sos un excelente jugador, una mente brillante una inspiracion para todos los que juegan normal.Aparte de eso un buen perdedor me acuerdo que yo te iva ganando se me cayo el host y vos me dijistes deja me ganastes lo tenia perdido. Encima los aportes que haces son maravillosos. Espero verte en ag haciendo magia en los normales
- Feche

SORPRENDENTE esta un escalon sobre los demas. -------------------------------------------------------- Surprisingly, this one step on the other
- Funes

Just awesome player. Pioneer for many cool tricks and knowledge. :)
- Kayzadminright

Best there is, best there was and the best that will ever be! He has at least my darkside tactics and at least 3-4x skills so no wonder that with this combination he is the perfect wormer. Too bad he won't listen to me in certain aspects :P If you're a newcomer don't be scared, he is really human, though he plays like a CPU's AI with human tactic xD About his human part ... we were much closer some years ago, but still one of best friends and NNN comunity builders. Best NNN icon!!! PS: don't torch me plz! xDD
- Antaresright

The King of Unexpected plays
- Felo

I had many umpleasant and unnecessary conservations with him, what i regret, but i must say he is one of the most intelligent guy here and one of the best player here if not the best.. Btw, the biggest cheater in that league xD
- KinslayeRleague

strong strong strong
- FaDright

The guy has intermediate mastered, and great sportsmanship on top of that, he helps keep the community going.
- Mablak

Just a champion and cool guy :) Dario deserved for monument in us virtual word
- Tomekright

The expert, legendary player. There is something, what you do not know? :) In games with you I, probably, lose in advance, and I look the round idiot. But I am always glad to play with you.
- DarK'X'LorD

TOTALLY noob! ROFL!! The worm's "Federer", simply the best. Nothing to argue. Also admin and community worker.
- nano

This is the best player ever of Worms Armageddon in intermediate style. The legend of that scheme. Unfortunately, when I started to play this game online, he already stoped to compete. - now he returned and everybody is waiting to see if he'll dominate, like in the old days, in this extremely competitive league. Despite he master cows very well, I'm one of who thinks that with HHG, he would be a bit better. As a person, he is friendly, polite and likes to teach his knowledge.
- Ivoadminright

Number 1 of all time. Awesome way of playing.
- Domirightretired

Dario is the greatest player of the Normal style, i appreciate him very much and he is my greatest motivation to play this game. If i can beat him i will not only be the best player from Argentina but from the whole world! so watch yuor back dude!
- Achilles

Perfect player
- Korydex

Amazing things he does :)
- kukumberadminright

Probally the best intermediate player that Wormnet will ever see.
- TerRoRleagueright

Number One
- PavelBright

A good strategist and creative player!
- Perdunokleague

Medals by turns:

Total used weapons, turns, damages in overall ranking:

Total turn time: 0 days, 00:00:00, average: 00:00 in total: 0 turns, average turns in a round: 0 (with no retration)
Total damage dealed: 0, in 0 turns, average: 0, maximal damage caused: 0 in one turn.
Total round time: 0 days, 00:00:00 in 0 rounds, average: 00:00:00
Sudden death factor: -

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