1. Age : do I have to?
2. Nationality : Russia
3. Clan : No
4. Worms experience : a)Off-line : b) On-line : Started playing the game less than 2 months ago with friends, started playing public wormnet games less than a week ago
5. Preferred scheme : Intermediate
6. Who told you/invited or to join OnL : Rafka (does it count? Rafka didn't directly say to join but made me aware of ONL)
7. Reasons to join OnL : at the moment I want to get better at worms and learn. People here are stronger than average players which would make for good training
8. Previous nicknames (optional)* : none
9. Msn/Icq address : none
Here we go
Re: Here we go
Welcome, read reg, download [League Intermediate 3.8].wsc and ... start playing, so gl hf